What Makes Us Different

Investor’s Resource operates as an Independent Hybrid Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), a unique type of financial advisor with dual capacities.

What is an Independent Hybrid Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)

Shari Burnum and Matt Leahy from Investor's Resource

Our hybrid model fuses the capabilities of an RIA and a Broker/Dealer. This combination allows us to maintain full control over our fee-based fiduciary responsibilities. In other words, we can provide advice (and charge fees) like a traditional RIA while also selling products on a commission basis through our association with a broker/dealer.

This dual capacity is of immense benefit to our financial planning clients. With Investor’s Resource as your hybrid RIA, you can access both advisory and brokerage products and services. This comprehensive one-stop solution is particularly beneficial for clients with diverse financial needs.

Your protection is paramount to us.

As RIAs, we have fiduciary responsibilities and are legally obligated to act in your best interest. This ensures we always place your interests ahead of our own, providing an added layer of protection. If we fail to meet these standards, we could face legal consequences.

We provide unbiased and objective financial advice.

Being independent advisors, we aren’t tied to any particular product or company. This independence allows us to provide unbiased, objective advice tailored to your unique needs. 

However, it’s important to note that not all investment products are eligible to fall under the advisory jurisdiction. This means recommending or servicing certain annuities, 529 college plans, insurance, or similar products can be challenging or even prohibited.

Investor's Resources ladies

RFG Advisory

We operate through the advisory platform of RFG Advisory, a Hybrid RIA. They enable us to access multiple custodians like Schwab and Fidelity and provide us access to a secondary outlet through Private Client Services for common brokerage products and insurance options. This approach gives you more choice and better service, ensuring your interests are always front and center.

Choose Investor's Resource today.